#2 Defining the MVP
In my latest post I introduced Drinklytics, my side project for track, rate and remember beverages. Today, I want to share some updates about the competitor research, and the MVP for Drinklytics.
Competitor Research
I should have started by analyzing the market to:
- spot a need
- determining TAM, SAM, SOM
- validating my idea
Anyway, as a learning-by-doing side project, I will skip those steps and develop Drinklytics regardless.
I started searching for similar products into app stores, search engines and forums. So I tried to put myself in the shoes of a user looking for such an app - which I really are.
I found and tried fourteen applications, and some of them are well-made and fancy.
Each of these apps had strengths, and there were also noticeable gaps between them.
They all allow users to track a drink and rating it. Some apps use APIs to get drink information and suggest drinks. Others are like social networks with comments and followers. There are also B2B apps or ones with cellar features
Anyway, I will not go into detail about individual apps and their features.
I used my search to:
- find the common characteristics, to get the core ones
- Identify the distinctive features of each app
Drinklytics should have the common traits, with the addition of its distinctive features.
Defining the MVP
After the analysis, I wrote down some points to shape the idea of the app:
- focus on drink tracking and rating as they are universally present in competitors
- the personal analytics will differentiate Drinklytics
- minimal interface at early stage
- add drinks: there will be different types of drink to add (Beer, Wine and Spirits)
- edit / remove drinks: these two specs give flexibility to the app
- rating: this will be the only element to define a drink, for now
- localizations: think globally from the very beginning
- data on device: I won’t get any personal information, no login. Your data stays into your device
- app statistics: as a data marketer, I need an analytics system to understand product performance. I will use Mixpanel.
- free: the app will be free, but I will gratefully accept any form of support.
I am using Notion to store all the ideas in mind. My backlog already has lots of ideas that may or may not become part of the app in future updates.
I don’t know yet how to manage all theses ideas. I could share a roadmap and ask for a general feedback or create a little users group of beta testers.
For now I plan to add a few new features through quick iterations, although the speed is relative.
Once done the MVP, I will choose the feature with the best value/effort ratio, and proceed to integrate that one.
What’s next?
Unfortunately, I can only devote a few hours a day to this project after dinner, and not every day.
I don’t find it easy to keep up the pace, but at the moment I manage to dedicate my time to development.
I would like to publish more update posts as I progress with development, but I am struggling at the moment. Anyway I am trying to improve. I’d like to post once a week, even if just a short update.
At the time of sharing this post, in facts, I have already started with the development, and 65% of my tasks are done! The core functions are already in place.
Now I'm focusing on some details of the various screens and the installation of Mixpanel.
In the next post I would like to share something more about Mixpanel and the dev process. Not being a programmer I will not go into detail about the code.
This competitor research has been precious in defining a clear vision for Drinklytics.
What do you think about the features I’ve selected? Is there something I missed? Do you like what I share in these posts and how I do it? I’d love to hear your thoughts and suggestions for improving the app and also my BIP adventure!